Friday, July 9, 2010

The search for the perfect shirt and ensuing revelation

A few weeks ago I began a search for L's christening outfit: a perfect light cotton dress shirt, preferably with a band collar and buttons only part way down the front, culotte shorts and a knit vest. This endeavour confirmed my suspicion that the more detailed the idea one has in one's head of the sought objects the less likely it is that said objects will actually exist*. Sad and discouraged, I began searching online for patterns in order to make said outfit. That is when I discovered oliver + s patterns**. So, I purchased this one and this one. I then headed down to Britex and bought some lovely shirting cotton. The plan was to use the first pattern to make the shirt and the adapt the shorts from the second to create the desired culottes. The little sailboat top seemed like a nice, sweet stand-in for the perfect shirt of my imagination.
The sewing began, ended, and a revelation was had: making little people's clothing is great and fast (and possibly addictive). It is almost instant gratification. I love it. This has led to a frenzy. More to follow.

* If I am perfectly honest, the "perfect" shirt did indeed exist. Bonpoint makes it but I could not ever justify spending this much on an article of clothing that will get less than 6 months wear and runs a very reasonable risk of quickly aquiring indelible berry or chocolate stains.

** their dress patterns make me wish we had a daughter too.

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