Sunday, December 20, 2009

Merry Christmas

This Christmas is little L.'s first. So that everyone can celebrate it together and spoil him rotten, both M.'s whole family and mine are meeting in (hopefully) warm and sunny Florida. Stockings are such an important part of Christmas morning gift goodness in my family that it seemed crucial that each one of my inlaws had their own. After several hours (possibly days) of cutting and sewing through red corduroy, batting, stripey fabrics, flannel and gros grain ribbon they're finally finished.

Bumpers and blankets

The trouble with having too many projects going on at once is that it seems like none ever get completed. Being overly attached to everything being perfect probably isn't helping...

It took us 6 months to decide on a crib for little L. I'm pretty proud to say it took me less time to find this fabric, realise I hadn't bought enough, get over it and buy a different one to line the inside of the crib bumper and finally measure, cut and sew the whole thing together. Yay me.

This little flannel blanket is on its way across the Atlantic with a copy of baby-gami for a lovely lovely friend who recently had a little boy and was fascinated by the yet undiscovered (in France) art of swaddling.